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SNMP show wrong data

I installed latest version of linux agent. But this agent shows wrong snmp data for the printers. Any ideas whats wrong?

linux agent - ver.2.3

server - ver.2.3.1 (on debian)

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (880 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

We can't see anything on the screen shot. Please post another one with bigger resolution. Can you explain yourr problem?


by (90.4k points)
0 votes
Strange, this forum automatically reduces the resolution of inserted photos?
Only after sending the picture to the server gets very fuzzy.

This is a Brother printer.
In this case, the drum counter indicates the correct value (level and maximum capacity). Unfortunately, the toner counter indicates invalid values (level "-3", maximum capacity "-2").

For other printers is similar (Brother, Canon, HP), the cartridges tab does not indicate a valid value for maximum capacity, or the trays tab (also invalid values for level and maximum capacity).
by (880 points)
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