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Retrieve local administrator membership



is it possible to retrieve the membership of the local group administrators via ocs? I know it is possible via loginscripts,etc but I want to have this information in ocs


thank you


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (160 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
You can have it with a plugin.
by (22k points)
0 votes
THanks, I implemented the plugin, modified the vbs to receive the membership of local administratorgroup and not only local users, created a table,etc and copied the vbs


it is working on xp 32 bit, all local administrators are sent to the new table and i can see them in the webconsole. on win7 64 bit nothing is working. the agentlog says: loading plugins (no plugin seems to be detected)..........unloading plugins.

Why is it not working on win 7 64? Agent is


by (160 points)
0 votes

have you copied the plugin in the right directory?
by (89.1k points)
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