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Release 2.12.3 available

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Regards , 

I need to install the officepack plugin for the version of ocs server 2.3.1 of linux in ubuntu 16.04. Someone can share the plugin to download it and you can send me installation instructions   .

Thank you very much.

in External plugins by (680 points)

3 Answers

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Hi @froloito123,
For the v. 2.3.1 OCS server under Linux, here is the method of installing a plugin (Officepack and also all others plugins)

Each plugin corresponds to a ZIP file on the OCS inventory or GitHub sites :


or https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG (minor and last updates included)

- Download the ZIP file and extract the contents of the "agent" folder > You must at least find one .vbs which will be sent on each Windows client, in the folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent\Plugins\

- Send the complete ZIP file on the OCS server (Debian in my case), in the already existing folder : /usr/share/ocsinventory-reports/ocsreports/download/
> If you have created the "download" folder yourself, there is certainly a problem (it is automatically created during the installation of the OCS server because it is the "official" folder of its plugins).

- Go to the OCS server interface> Plugins section> Plugin Manager
> If the ZIP is in the right folder ("download" - see above), you must find it in the list of plugins that can be installed> Choose your plugin and click on "Install"

You must then find the elements of your plugin below the "Administrative data" of a machine (in the section "Software" or "Miscellaneous")

> Do not forget to force an inventory on the PC concerned (or wait ...) to check the feedback of information for this same machine.

Some people have had problems with the installation of plugins, the problem is that the conf and map files are not created automatically on the server.

You will have to manually add them in /etc/ocsinventory-server/

For example, for the Officepack plugin :
- In the ZIP file of the plugin, retrieve the two files in the APACHE folder (Map.pm and officepack.conf)
- Place the Officepack.conf file in the following folder: /etc/ocsinventory-server/plugins/
- Create an Officepack folder in the perl part: sudo mkdir /etc/ocsinventory-server/perl/Apache/ Ocsinventory/Plugins/Officepack/
- Place the Map.pm file in the created folder: /etc/ocsinventory-server/perl/Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins/Officepack/
- Change rights :
sudo chown www -data: www-data /etc/ocsinventory-server/perl/Apache/Ocsinventory/Plugins/Officepack/Map.pm
sudo chown www-data:www-data /etc/ocsinventory-server/plugins/Officepack.conf
reload apache: sudo systemctl reload apache2

Regards, Stéphane

by (32.6k points)
0 votes

Hi steph78630 ,

I have made all your instructions, but I do not register information about the office license on the server. also place the .vbs file in C: / programfiles (x86) / ocsinventoryagent / plugisn /, but it does not work. Any suggestions

by (680 points)
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I had the same problem. My operating system is Ubuntu 16.04, and my OCS server is 2.5. I try to install officepack by browser but at the end of installation, the server inform a error, but the error field was "blank". I found this topic, and I verify that conf and map files doesn't exist in my server. I follow the instructions of this topic and put this files in my server. I restart apache, force a windows with office inventory, and nothing. Zero office keys. At this moment I have 26 machines in my inventory, 90% windows with office, but no office keys in OCS. Any ideas? Tks!

EDIT: I use again the "agent deploy" using "/UPGRADE" and now the office keys coming! Tks for the tip about map and config files!!
by (140 points)
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