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Release 2.12.3 available

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Problem to configure OCSinventory Agent on ESXi [closed]

Hi all!

I have a problem when I begin to install OCS inventory Agent on ESXi v.5.1.0 server, I can't install the package ocsinvetory-agent with apt-get, aptitude and yum, the OS didn't accept these command lines. I need to activate any characteristics/services on ESXi server?

closed with the note: Problem solved
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (120 points)
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3 Answers

0 votes

Hi @micochoft

not sure that the OCS Inventory agent can install on an ESXi hypervisor (security limitation)...

Moreover, a OCS plugin was created specifically to gather informations of this type of machines, see :


However, this plugin only works with vcenter (standalone version excluded)

Regards, Stéphane

by (32.6k points)
0 votes
0 votes

On ESXi servers you can't install anything. To inventory esxi server install unix agent on a server and use this plugin https://github.com/PluginsOCSInventory-NG/vmware-vcenter/releases/download/1.0/vmware.zip

Best regards

by (90.5k points)
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