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how i created a windows 10 Live ISO with OCS Agent

1. i created a windows 7 VM

2. i mounted a windows 10 ISO to this vm (drive D)

3. i downloaded Winbuilder http://win10se.cwcodes.net/Compressed/ in the vm

4. i extracet the Win10PE_SE_2017-12-02.zip to the the drive c:\Win10PE_SE_2017-12-02

5. i started BuilderSE.exe

6. under Win10PE SE in the left menu i selected "Config Source Folder" and select D:\

7. under "Components" i selected Additional Files - selected "open source Directory Button"

8. i copied the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\OCS Inventory Agent  to C:\Win10PE_SE_2017-12-02\Workbench\Common\Win10PESE\AdditionalFiles\DirCopy_All

9. click on play (upper right to create iso)

10. after some minutes i get a bootable iso with ocs-agent under C:\Win10PE_SE_2017-12-02\ISO

12. i booted this iso in another vm

13. created dir report with mkdir x:\report

14. and i can created a editable xml file with the following command under

y:\program files\userTools\OCS Inventory Agent\OCSInventory.exe /XML="x:\report" /local="x:\report"

now i have a editable xml file under x:\report to properly inventory a VMware ESX Server

this file can be imported manually into OCS

PS: i used agent OCS-NG_WINDOWS_AGENT_v2.1.1.3

Kind regards
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (25k points)

1 Answer

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Thanks for this howto.

Kind regards

by (90.5k points)
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