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Install Microsoft Office using deployment

I am trying to install ro uninstall Microsoft Office using ocs deployment but had no luck so far. If the installing kit is on local machine it works very well but it it is on a shared network i cand't make it work. I have no error on logs and i have left with no ideeas.
I have tried to mount the iso from netowrk , i have tried to create a symbolik link using mklink which it works but setup.exe from office kit doesn't execute.

I could really use some help.

Thank you
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (730 points)

3 Answers

0 votes

this operation is to realize on how many machines ? Are they all on the same LAN ? Which version of Office pack ?

After copying the sources (Office) to a network shared folder, a script should be able to do the trick:

- Run the setup with the desired options (auto mode, etc.)
- Add an answer file (XML) to obtain an automatic process

Regards, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
0 votes

Thank you Stéphane for your answer, but from what i have noticed the ocs deploy runs with SYSTEM user and it doesn't has network access.  All the machines are different LANs and i am trying to upgrade from office 2013 to office 2016. The only way i was able to do it is to download through https the office kit run the upgrade script and delete the office kit from the machine.

by (730 points)
0 votes

the user account under which the ocs agent works DOES have Network access

The account(Local System) act as the computer account on Network - so perhaps you only must give access to everyone or to the computer accounts on the share.

by (25k points)
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