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Release 2.12.3 available

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Error 400 Bad Request


i installed ocsinventory on a ubuntu server 12.04.4 x86 and i can connect via web to edit the configuration on ocsreports. But i allways get the same error if i try to send data via the agent. No data sendet to db. Only the client on the server self sendet his inventory to db (got that 1 entry in it).

I used wireshark for that image. It would be nice if someone help me out. I tryed google but i find nothing out there to solve my problem.

Thanks and regards from germany,


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (270 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Wich version of ocs have you installed on your server?

error 400 means that server ocs version is lower than agent version. In this case, it does not running correctly.

Which is correct is : server 2.1.2 agent 2.1.1/2.1.0/2.0.x/1.x

Which is uncorrect: server 2.1 agent 2.1.1/2.1.2 or server 2.0.x agent 2.1.x
by (90.5k points)
yes this could be my problem. i'm using server 2.0.2 (installes via ubuntu apt-get install...) and the version of the downloaded client from website is 2.1.1. I will try at first stept to find a client in version 2.0.

Anyway, thank you very much for quick help.


Hi Thorsten

I encourage you to download the latest version from website. 2.0.2 is too old and no more supported.

Hi Frank,

i'm in a informatik education. The company where i do for 6 months my practical training needs a inventory system (they use excel tables). this company got some arround 250 clients. i'm a open source fan and stumbled over ocsinventory. so i made a test with an older pc (32 bit) where just the older ocsinventory is possible. Next step is an installation on a better server. For my education degree work i need to work out a project and i think ubuntu -> apache2 -> oscinventory will be a nice step.

Thanks again Frank,


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