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Operating system installed date

We need to display operating system installed date in glpi. This date is not captured in ocs agent.

Please let me know how I can get operating system installed date in ocs server and glpi.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (240 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
Hi @sachin1992 ,

if you install the "Osinstall" plugin, the OS installation date is sent back by the OCS agent.

And what's even better, this "Osinstall" plugin has been selected by the GLPI team as relevant information being uploaded by its OCS import plugin...

Regards, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
0 votes

another way is to let ocs search for this registry key

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\InstallDate

But you must convert the unix time

for  example


Is equivalent to:



All the registry key can be imported by glpi

the advantage is that you can collect many different informations

for example keyboard layout, display language, os language, et cetera from registry, and you can search in glpi for all of this kind of stuff

kind regards

by (25k points)
0 votes
Hi sokatra

Can you please give me steps for the same
by (240 points)
0 votes
for more informations about Sokatra answer, see "Timestamp to date" on Internet
by (32.6k points)
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