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How to install plugins on Windows

Hi, good morning!

I'm beginner on OCS INVENTORY, I need to install some plugins in my inventory.
When i open tab Plugins, this message appears to me: No plugin enabled for your profile

I put the plugins in C:\xampp\htdocs\ocsreports\plugins in my server.

Does it need any configuration? Or just put in the  dir e run?



in IP Discover by (210 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
Hi lucasserain,

all the OCS Inventory site plugins are designed to work on a Linux server, a Windows server being deprecated (security vulnerability, obsolescence)

Can you give us more information about the OS of your server, the version of your OCS server, that of your OCS agents, etc.?

Regard, Stéphane
by (32.6k points)
0 votes

steph78630, thanks for the answer.

My OCS Server version is Server Windows (DEPRECATED). Where can i see the exactly version?

I'm using the OCSNG-Windows-Agent- , i don't know, but it's only working for me.

by (210 points)
0 votes

Lucasserain, Faça o Download dos plugins na pagina de plugins do OCS,

Após isso copie o plugin no formato zip no diretório de downloads do ocs,este diretório vai depender o do seu servidor, e então abra a pagina de gerenciamento do OCS, va até plugins e se tiver todos os módulos do perl instalado, você ja irá conseguir ver a lista de plugins disponiveis na pagina,e então instale eles,

Para os clientes(OCS Agent) você deverá extrair o plugin baixado, procurar a pasta agent copiar o arquivo VBS e então copiar para o diretório do seu client onde foi instalado o OCS/Plugins.

Se eu puder ajuda-lo em mais algo, Entre em contato pelo email.


Lucasserain, Download the plugins on the OCS plugins page,

After that, copy the plugin in the zip format in the ocs downloads directory, this directory will depend on your server, and then open the OCS management page, go to plugins and if you have all perl modules installed, you will already you can see the list of available plugins on the page, and then install them,

For clients (OCS Agent) you should extract the downloaded plugin, look for the agent folder to copy the VBS file and then copy it to the client directory where the OCS / Plugins were installed.

If I can help you with something else, contact us by email.
by (470 points)
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