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Release 2.12.3 available

The official documentation can be found on https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org. Read it before asking your question.


Hi all,

Thank you very much frankb. I have followed your advice explained in the topic Difficulty to use OCSPACKAGE . I took my time  to deploy the Agent ocs with ocspackage.exe and a login script but unsuccess.

Main error identified in apache:


[Tue Jul 15 16:59:31 2014] [error] [client] Can't call method "do" on an undefined value at C:/xampp/perl/site/lib/Apache/Ocsinventory/Server/System.pm line 177.\n

[Tue Jul 15 17:08:23 2014] [error] [client fe80::d1be:15d:75a2:5ab2] client denied by server configuration: C:/xampp/htdocs/xampp

System.pm line 174-178:

 # Connection...
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port", $user$password, \%params);
  $dbh->do("SET NAMES 'utf8'") if($dbh && $ENV{'OCS_OPT_UNICODE_SUPPORT'});
  return $dbh;


IT tools:

  • Windows server 2008 R2
  • Windows XP Professional

OCS tools:

  • OCSNG-Windows-Server- 2.1.2
  • OCSNG-Windows-agent-2.1.1
  • OCSNG-Windows-Packager-2.1.1

Other applications useful:

  • cacert.pem
  • PsExec.exe

Tasks realised:

  • No logged on as administrator but has a full control of windows server 2008 R2
  • setup of all OCS tools in windows server 2008 R2
  • In the command line options of ocspackager: /S /SERVER=http://ipserver/ocsinventory /TAG="test" /DEBUG=2  /NOW
  • Checking  the password of the ocsweb database is the same in the the ocsinventory-server.conf and dbconfig.inc.php files
  • Put in the httpd.conf file of apache these lines:
    • Listen ipserver:80
    • Listen
  • Has downloaded dffsetup-msvcr90
  • Dll-Files fixer
  • Has checked if there is a firewall activated
  • Has checked if there a conflict of the port between some applications
  • Has created a file  in windows server 2008 called OCS-script and shared with Windows XP Professional
  • ocs.bat file and Ocslogon.exe in OCS_script
  • Login script of ocs.bat: \\myserver\OCS_script\OcsLogon.exe

/PACKAGER /NP /INSTALL /DEPLOY: /SERVER=http://ipserver/ocsinventory


  • Deploy the Agent ocs from ocspackage.exe
  • Working with a login script and without GPO

Problem faced:

  • Cannot run ocspackage
  • No inventory displayed in the interface of the server ocs


What are the other alternatives I can do?

Thank you and kind regards

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (280 points)
edited by

3 Answers

0 votes
by (22k points)

Thank you very much Kapouik. I am going to study this documentation then to apply it. I am convinced this time the solution offered will work.


Kind regards
0 votes

Have you restarted apache after the change of the password in ocsinventory-server.conf?
by (90.5k points)


I can assure you Frankb before changing any data in a file of OCS I have the reflex to stop the Apache, MySQL and OCS Inventory services. Yesterday, I had defined a pssword for the database of ocs. But there were as error message: ERROR *** AGENT => Failed to send Prolog <HTTP Status Code #500>. This is strange.

N.B: It's only with the ocspackage I have problems. But I can deploy the OCS agents manually or with the OCSNG-Agent-Deploy-Tool2.1

 Resolve to face problems: 

  • I have kept the default login SQL of the ocswebdatabse. Now I have no longer this error quoted above
  • I am testing the recommendation given by your colleague in this topic

Purpose: used a login script to deploy the ocs agents. 


Thank you for your help frankb

Kind regards



0 votes
Hi everyone,


in my case, i Put all files in a share directory \\server\ocs-agent\

-file ocslogon.exe

-file ocspackage.exe( created with ocspackager, be careful, never change the name of the file)

-file cacert.pem

Then, in my gpo, i use \\server\ocsagent\ocslogon.exe /PACKAGER /GPO /DEPLOY= /server=http://myserver/ocsinventory

Best regards!
by (180 points)
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