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RPM packages for OCS agent

Hi everyone,

I'm currently deploying OCS agent on several CentOS servers thanks to repo provided by OCS team (https://www.ocsinventory-ng.org/en/rpm-repository-is-available-for-rhelcentosfedora/) but, nmap install is forbidden by our company rules.

Unfortunately, nmap package is mandatory by perl-Ocsinventory-Agent package which does not respects our policies.

Is is possible to remove dependancy between perl-Ocsinventory-Agent and nmap package in the repo please ?

Many thanks
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I'm the maintener for all RPM packages.

I have no plan to remove nmap from dependancy for the moment and I don't have time to maintain another repo for one company (that's the first time someone ask to remove nmap).

But in the futur, I will transform the nmap requirement by suggest (a feature introduce in rpm 2.12). I cannot do it for the moment because RHel 7 use rpm 2.11.

I publish all srpm and the spec file are on github, you can rebuild the rpm if you need it quick.

For more discutions on this subject, come on IRC : I try to be present often as possible.
by (22k points)
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