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How to export data from server to XML?


We would like to export the old data from OCS NG Server 2.1 to XML and import it on our new test system of OCS NG Server 2.5 for first testing purposes.

Server OS Redhat 6.x
OCS NG Server 2.1
Logs empty after local import
CSV file not applicable for local import on OCS NG Server 2.5

The only way i found in the web frontend is to download them as csv - that cant be imported by local import module on the new system

On google and in the documentation / community i dont find reasonable answers to this. Converting the .csv file to XML via Python or other tools had worked but the outcome is not importable like mentioned above with errors 400 and 500.

The logs are empty after trying this.

Maybe dump the mysql DB and import it on the test system - any ideas?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (220 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

No export to xml. Dump the 2.1 database directly, then import the dump into a new server, install ocs server 2.5 on this new server. The install process will upgrade the database as it needs.


by (90.5k points)
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