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Release 2.12.3 available

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No network data sent from : Red Hat Linux 7.6 [closed]


I have installed Ocsinventory-Unix-Agent-2.4.2 on server : Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.6 (Maipo)

All informations are loaded on OCS Inventory Server but not the NETWORK part :

In OCS log file, NETWORK part is empty
   1236     <NETWORKS>
   1237     </NETWORKS>


And so, in OCS console, NETWORK part is empty too

closed with the note: Problem solved - Missing perl package installed
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (200 points)
closed by

4 Answers

0 votes

Post ocsinventory-agent.log file content.


by (90.4k points)
0 votes
Sorry I don't know how upload file ....

 1218     <MEMORIES>
   1219       <CAPTION>RAM slot #62</CAPTION>
   1220       <DESCRIPTION>Unknown</DESCRIPTION>
   1221       <MANUFACTURER>Not Specified</MANUFACTURER>
   1222       <NUMSLOTS>62</NUMSLOTS>
   1223       <SERIALNUMBER>Not Specified</SERIALNUMBER>
   1224       <SPEED>Unknown</SPEED>
   1225       <TYPE>DRAM</TYPE>
   1226     </MEMORIES>
   1227     <MEMORIES>
   1228       <CAPTION>RAM slot #63</CAPTION>
   1229       <DESCRIPTION>Unknown</DESCRIPTION>
   1230       <MANUFACTURER>Not Specified</MANUFACTURER>
   1231       <NUMSLOTS>63</NUMSLOTS>
   1232       <SERIALNUMBER>Not Specified</SERIALNUMBER>
   1233       <SPEED>Unknown</SPEED>
   1234       <TYPE>DRAM</TYPE>
   1235     </MEMORIES>
   1236     <NETWORKS>
   1237     </NETWORKS>
   1238     <PORTS>
   1239       <CAPTION>DB-9 male</CAPTION>
   1240       <DESCRIPTION>9 Pin Dual Inline (pin 10 cut)</DESCRIPTION>
   1241       <NAME>J19</NAME>
   1242       <TYPE>Serial Port 16550A Compatible</TYPE>
   1243     </PORTS>
   1244     <PORTS>
   1245       <CAPTION>DB-25 female</CAPTION>
   1246       <DESCRIPTION>25 Pin Dual Inline (pin 26 cut)</DESCRIPTION>
   1247       <NAME>J23</NAME>
   1248       <TYPE>Parallel Port ECP/EPP</TYPE>
   1249     </PORTS>
   1250     <PORTS>
   1251       <CAPTION>Circular DIN-8 male</CAPTION>
   1253       <NAME>J11</NAME>
   1254       <TYPE>Keyboard Port</TYPE>
   1255     </PORTS>
by (200 points)
0 votes

perl-Net-IP package is missing. Install it and relaunch the inventory.


by (90.4k points)
0 votes

Thank you very mutch Frank it's working now with perl-Net-IP package !!!


by (200 points)
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