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Release 2.12.3 available

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Update a SQL database based on OCS


I would like to monitor a software version and update a MariaDB database based on the software version this way :

Actual software release version : 2

- Computer 1 has Software version 1 -----> UPDATE Computer 1 [...] CanUpdate = YES

- Computer 2 has Software version 2 -----> UPDATE Computer 1 [...] CanUpdate = NO

The process would update the database table everytime i run it, depending on the computer deployed versions and the updated server version.

The OCS server is on Debian 9 and i can get the software version number on the OCS Inventory computer list.

What would be the best way to do this ? Using a bash script on the cron table of the OCS server ?

Also, can you edit the software column in OCS Inventory to add a "last edited" or "last update" date ?

Thanks for your input
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)
edited by

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Dear,

All the software version info are stored in the table "Softwares" in your ocs database,

How About you make a procedure in the database, to update the datas you want ?

Best Regards

Matheus Pavanetti
by (470 points)
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