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Searching for multiple sofware shows nothing

Hello there,

if I'm searching for more than one software package at the same request I will get no result. But if I'm searching for the same packages in various requests I'll get all computers with the installed ones. Independendtly of wether computer who have the packages are the same.

Has anyone an idea how to make a request for all packages at the same time?
in Administrative console by (1.3k points)

14 Answers

0 votes
try to use AND instead of OR and vice versa - the multicriteria search often has the problem that the and and or function does not work properly.

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
Hi Sokatra,

I tried it with AND and OR. AND doesn't work, just OR. But I need to know all software packages which are installed on the same computers.

How I said: If I make various requests on different packages I get all computers I need.
by (1.3k points)
0 votes
can you post an example search ?

I don't understand this sentence "But I need to know all software packages which are installed on the same computers."

can you explain it ? you can see all packages which are installed on one computer without a search
by (24.2k points)
0 votes

Let me say I'm searching for kaspersky and office. I make it like this:

Software:Name LIKE kaspersky


Software:Namee LIKE office

no result.

Software:Name LIKE kaspersky


Software:Name LIKE office

I will get all computers which either had office or kasperky but not the computers which had kaspersky and office at the same time.

Even if I make two requests

Software:Name LIKE kaspersky


Software:Name LIKE office

I get the same computers.

by (1.3k points)
0 votes
ok - which exact version to you use ? 2.5.0 ?

What you can try is the following.

Search for the first software - for example "kaspersky" - make a static group out of it

To the same for the second software.

Now search for computers which are in group1 AND group2 - perhaps this works as expected
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
unbelievable - i tried a search with version 2.5 in demo server


i searched with various criteria for computers with the following search criteria

All software: name Like office


all softwar: name  Like avira

But OCS returns Nothing - you are right - there must be a bug - can't believe it - i thought this bug is fixed a long time

I don't no why they don't test it before releasing a new version - this type of bug are really annoying - and many persons i know are leaving ocs-inventory and searching for better software.

i opened a bug report


Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
edited by
0 votes
Thank you for the bug report. BTW: I think there are problems with the other searching methods (bigger, lower ), too.

I'm really new in OCS and work with it for just a few weeks. So, let's give it a try.

I'm using the version 2.5.0 of OCS.

Can you tell me how to search for groups? I don't find anything in the wiki.
by (1.3k points)
0 votes
interestingly i haven't found this function in demo server 2.5.0

i am using version 2.1.2

there you can do the search

"search with various criteria"

Groups: Name belong to "groupname_i-created"
by (24.2k points)
0 votes
Unfortunately there is no group field. All I found is group info but here I can't search for group names. Can I add it on my own?
by (1.3k points)
0 votes
i just tried version 2.6 RC - but searching for 2 software names doesn't work - same empty result as in 2.5.0


In debug mode i get the error

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3
Please please fix it BEFORE releasing 2.6

but in release 2.6 RC i can search for the group name :-) yes yes yes

I can report that i can create 2 groups in ocs-inventory 2.6 RC and i can do a SEARCH like

Group: name belong to  adobe


Group name belong to pdf

that works in 2.6 RC :-)

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
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