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Release 2.12.3 available

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Problem with multi-criteria search


We have a problem with the multi-criteria search, in particular with the "Machines not seen in more than 5 day(s)" information displayed at the top of the Welcome page.

Using the DEBUG mode, we can see the SQL syntax used for this request (as of today January 23rd ) is the following:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS hardware.ID AS hardwareID , hardware.DEVICEID AS hardwareDEVICEID , hardware.NAME AS hardwareNAME , hardware.WORKGROUP AS hardwareWORKGROUP , hardware.USERDOMAIN AS hardwareUSERDOMAIN , hardware.OSNAME AS hardwareOSNAME , hardware.OSVERSION AS hardwareOSVERSION , hardware.OSCOMMENTS AS hardwareOSCOMMENTS , hardware.PROCESSORT AS hardwarePROCESSORT , hardware.PROCESSORS AS hardwarePROCESSORS , hardware.PROCESSORN AS hardwarePROCESSORN , hardware.MEMORY AS hardwareMEMORY , hardware.SWAP AS hardwareSWAP , hardware.IPADDR AS hardwareIPADDR , hardware.DNS AS hardwareDNS , hardware.DEFAULTGATEWAY AS hardwareDEFAULTGATEWAY , hardware.ETIME AS hardwareETIME , hardware.LASTDATE AS hardwareLASTDATE , hardware.LASTCOME AS hardwareLASTCOME , hardware.QUALITY AS hardwareQUALITY , hardware.FIDELITY AS hardwareFIDELITY , hardware.USERID AS hardwareUSERID , hardware.TYPE AS hardwareTYPE , hardware.DESCRIPTION AS hardwareDESCRIPTION , hardware.WINCOMPANY AS hardwareWINCOMPANY , hardware.WINOWNER AS hardwareWINOWNER , hardware.WINPRODID AS hardwareWINPRODID , hardware.WINPRODKEY AS hardwareWINPRODKEY , hardware.USERAGENT AS hardwareUSERAGENT , hardware.CHECKSUM AS hardwareCHECKSUM , hardware.SSTATE AS hardwareSSTATE , hardware.IPSRC AS hardwareIPSRC , hardware.UUID AS hardwareUUID , hardware.ARCH AS hardwareARCH , hardware.CATEGORY_ID AS hardwareCATEGORY_ID FROM hardware WHERE hardware.LASTCOME < 'str_to_date(01/18/2019 12:00, \'%m/%d/%Y %H:%i\')' GROUP BY hardware.id order by hardwareDEVICEID asc limit 0 , 10

The error returned for this request is :

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 3

Our setup is the following:


  • PHP Version :
  • Web Server :
  • Database Server :
  • Version OCSReports:
  • 7.2.14
  • Apache/2.4.6 (CentOS) PHP/7.2.14 mod_perl/2.0.10 Perl/v5.16.3
  • MariaDB Server version 5.5.60-MariaDB
  • 2.5


Could you please help us in troubleshooting this issue ?

Thanks in advance !

Best regards,


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
please report this on github


I think you can't get any help here
by (25k points)
0 votes


I have exactly the same problem

my post

by (710 points)
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