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PC change history

The main task is inventory! BUT

I want to have a computer configuration change history

1. computer is inventory (record 1 computer name PC001)

2. RAM stolen from computer (record 2 computer name PC001)


Mail Notification: Part (component) PC001 - added / disappeared

At a MINIMUM, I want a PC001 with a different configuration for hardware (not software) to be added as a duplicate! So, I can track in manual mode what has changed on this PC001.

in Administrative console by (380 points)

10 Answers

0 votes
hey! any body? hey! any body? hey! any body?
by (380 points)
+1 vote
by (90.5k points)
+1 vote
you can track a configuration change with GLPI



you will have a history for each computer

perhaps it is possible to create a mail notifocation in glpi
by (25.1k points)
0 votes

Previously, this opportunity was. when changing the configuration of the PC, a new UUID was generated and a copy of the PC was obtained.

you will have a history for each computer

This report have restrictions (100 string and 21 days) (only 4PC on my glpi). I have a 1000PC! 

by (380 points)
edited by
0 votes
"This report have restrictions (100 string and 21 days) (only 4PC on my glpi). I have a 1000PC! "

i have reports for over 500 PC's , and my history goes back to before 2015 - so it works

perhaps you have to look into each pc in glpi (there is the whole history for this pc)

Kind regards
by (25.1k points)
0 votes

onlyy 100 string and 21 days ...

but only 100 string

by (380 points)
0 votes
I can't see your picture detailed enough, but it looks like you looking at the global history, not the history which you can see if you choose one pc.

Kind regards
by (25.1k points)
0 votes

onlyy 100 string and 21 days ...

but only 100 string

by (380 points)
0 votes

"I can't see your picture detailed enough, but it looks like you looking at the global history, not the history which you can see if you choose one pc."

YES!. if i`am open one pc - all correct! i see all.

Now, i talk about plugin REPORTS (https://plugins.glpi-project.org/#/plugin/reports  you will have a history for each computer)

by (380 points)
0 votes
I find it!!!!


string 75 - 0,100; change 0,10000

string 66 - INTERVAL 21 DAY - CHANGE 1 DAY.

by (380 points)
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