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Release 2.11.1 available

The official documentation can be found on http://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org. Read it before asking your question.

Why does OCS change the asset ID?

Problem: When the asset transfer to the GLPI from the former OCS version was used, sometimes the “asset ID” was changed as we could not understand the cause (without any change in the assets). From time to time the system was registering as a “new asset” with a different ID actually for the same asset. This caused confusion in our work environment. Since we are currently in the testing phase in the new OCS version, we haven't detected any major problems in this subject, but maybe we will encounter this problem in the future.

Question: Which checklist does OCS use when registering an asset with a new “asset ID” For example;

1. RAM – unchanged (OK)

2. Operating system – unchanged (OK)

3. User name - changed (if so “give new ID”)

Can you tell us what else is on the checklist?

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (140 points)

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