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Search for computer without software installed

How can I search for computers that do not have software installed so I can deploy to those computers?
in Administrative console by (440 points)

6 Answers

0 votes

login to mysql

select databse via

use ocsweb

the this command will give you all computers which have less then 1 software installed

SELECT hardware.name,hardware.lastcome,hardware_id, COUNT(softwares.name) FROM softwares join hardware on softwares.hardware_id = hardware.id GROUP BY hardware_id having COUNT(softwares.name)<1;

if you want all computers with less then 20 software packages you can try this

SELECT hardware.name,hardware.lastcome,hardware_id, COUNT(softwares.name) FROM softwares join hardware on softwares.hardware_id = hardware.id GROUP BY hardware_id having COUNT(softwares.name)<20;

kind regards


by (25k points)
0 votes
This does not answer my question. I need to do this through the web interface so I can get a list of computers to deploy too.

How do I do this through the web interface with search with various criteria?
by (440 points)
0 votes
this isn't possible via default webconsole in version 2.6

Please explain what do you mean with "software installed"

Doy you mean any software which is installed on a compuuter, or only software which was installed via ocs-inventory package deployment?

Kind regards
by (25k points)
0 votes
I want to search for computers that do not have a particular software package installed. If the software is not installed deploy my software package to it. I could do this in an older version, but not the newer versions. When I search for software.name different then <software title> I get all computers because other software on the computers meet this criteria.
by (440 points)
+1 vote
I figured out my problem. You must use Dynamic Groups for this.

Step 1: Search with various criteria using All Software:Name Like <software name> you want to deploy

Step 2: Select Groups at bottom of page. Create new dynamic group. This group will contain all computers with this software.

Step 3: Search for various criteria using Group:Name  Don't Belong To <group name>. Deploy to those computers.

Hope this helps someone  else.
by (440 points)
0 votes

a much more flexible way is to use glpi. The OCS Database can be synchronized automatically with glpi and there you can do the following search

Software Characeristics - Name is not xy

You can combine the search with other search criterias much more flexible than ocs-inventory is able to do.

Kind regards

by (25k points)
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