csv | SQLNOLIMIT | affich_multi_crit | SELECT %s.%s AS hardwareID , %s.%s AS hardwareDEVICEID , %s.%s AS hardwareNAME , %s.%s AS hardwareWORKGROUP , %s.%s AS hardwareUSERDOMAIN , %s.%s AS hardwareOSNAME , %s.%s AS hardwareOSVERSION , %s.%s AS hardwareOSCOMMENTS , %s.%s AS hardwarePROCESSORT , %s.%s AS hardwarePROCESSORS , %s.%s AS hardwarePROCESSORN , %s.%s AS hardwareMEMORY , %s.%s AS hardwareSWAP , %s.%s AS hardwareIPADDR , %s.%s AS hardwareDNS , %s.%s AS hardwareDEFAULTGATEWAY , %s.%s AS hardwareETIME , %s.%s AS hardwareLASTDATE , %s.%s AS hardwareLASTCOME , %s.%s AS hardwareQUALITY , %s.%s AS hardwareFIDELITY , %s.%s AS hardwareUSERID , %s.%s AS hardwareTYPE , %s.%s AS hardwareDESCRIPTION , %s.%s AS hardwareWINCOMPANY , %s.%s AS hardwareWINOWNER , %s.%s AS hardwareWINPRODID , %s.%s AS hardwareWINPRODKEY , %s.%s AS hardwareUSERAGENT , %s.%s AS hardwareCHECKSUM , %s.%s AS hardwareSSTATE , %s.%s AS hardwareIPSRC , %s.%s AS hardwareUUID , %s.%s AS hardwareARCH , %s.%s AS hardwareCATEGORY_ID FROM hardware WHERE %s.%s %s '%s' AND %s.%s %s '%s' GROUP BY hardware.id order by hardwareDEVICEID asc | affich_notes | SELECT ID,DATE_INSERT,USER_INSERT,COMMENTS,ACTION FROM itmgmt_comments WHERE (visible is null or visible =1) and hardware_id=9 order by DATE_INSERT asc | affich_registry | SELECT * FROM registry WHERE (hardware_id=9) order by NAME asc | list_show_all | SELECT %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s from hardware h LEFT JOIN accountinfo a ON a.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN networks n ON n.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN bios e ON e.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN memories m ON m.hardware_id=h.id LEFT JOIN videos v ON v.hardware_id=h.id where deviceid'_SYSTEMGROUP_' AND deviceid'_DOWNLOADGROUP_' group by h.id order by a.fields_17 asc |