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Release 2.12.3 available

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Newest version of OCS NG


Im trying to convince my boss to upgrade OCS to newest version since we have problems with connecting Win10 machines to our Inventory (some do and some doesnt). He asked me what are the differences between versions we are using (2.1.2 on our router) and 2.0.5 agent for clients. Where can i find the info about the the patchnotes for older versions? And what are the newest stable releases?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
we also have Version 2.1.2 and i don't want to upgrade because of the Design and many bugs.

We don't have major problems with win 10 and the Agent version 2.05
The  biggest advantages of the newest version are

1. Security Bugs are repaired

2. You can force and schedule Packages

3. Fix Windows 8 and 10 product key inventory

4. IP V6 support

5. much more databases fields can be searched by multicriteria search

here you can find all notes regarding the agent

and here are the improvements of the server side


Kind regards
by (25.1k points)
edited by
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