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Release 2.12.3 available

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Agent upgraded but indicates the old version back

We have a major issue when we realised that after upgrading many ocs agents from to on Windows 8 so that we communicate with our new ocs server 2.4.1. The upgrade actually went well and we were able to see inventories of all our machines on the ocs server. After a while we started to miss many inventories. We took one machine as an exemple and we found out that the ocsinventory.ini was successfully upgraded but in the log we are seing all our updates on the ocs agent conf except that the logs are indicating the old ocs agent version ! We looked to the service and it is using the old version of the agent as well as all the files under C:\Program Files\OCS Inventory Agent\ indicating old dates so probably those werent updated as well ?
Do you have an idea what happened and how we can fix this?

Thank you so much.
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (310 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
hy, because of such things


i ALWAYS uninstall the old agent - reboot- and do a reinstall.I think the update switch often does not work correctly - but you can try to update an agent with the execute command

see here

by (24.2k points)
0 votes
Thank you for your reply,
That's exactly the link that i used to update the agent but still we had this issue for some machines. Since we are manipulating a huge number of ocs agents REMOTELY we can't uninstall agents...
by (310 points)
0 votes
i created a script long time ago which uses  scheduled tasks to uninstalls the old agent and reinstalls the new agent.

If everything is ok(ocs-inventory service is removed) if you manually uninstall the agent and reinstall the agent that "scheduled tasks" are the way to do it.

Kind regards
by (24.2k points)
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