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deployment error

OCS-server 2.6 CentOS7

i make two deployment packege .1 for store ,2 for execute. the 1 one is working ([info] [download] Beginning work. I am 2975.

[info] [download] Building package for 1566905275.

[info] [download] Checking signature for ./1566905275/tmp/build.tar.gz.

[info] [download] Cleaning 1566905275 package.

), but the second one not (error on client [Tue Aug 27 16:54:18 2019][error] [download] Cannot open 1566905275/task.

[Tue Aug 27 16:54:24 2019][error] [download] Cannot open /task.


when i create 2 one WARNING: Can't find information file at https://ocs-server.tk.sat.ua/download/1566913709/

WARNING: Can't find fragments files at http://ocs-server.tk.sat.ua/download/1566913709/

but the package created and i can downlod it by url. 
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (800 points)

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