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Release 2.11.1 available

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Administrative data not visualized after upgrade


the bug I'm facing is similar to this: I've upgraded my installation from 2.5 to 2.6.

All of my administrative data from a dropdown menu are lost. Being more precise, they are not displayed.

Every field on every row of the table "accountinfo" has data on it.
For example, the field_10 (owner - let's say "John Doe"). On the web interface the field is empty, and if I select from the menu the right owner (John Doe) the cell on the database is updated from "John Doe" to "16" (the id of the John Doe values from the table "config" row "ACCOUNT_VALUE_OWNER_16".

Do you have any clues and how to fix this without having to manually edit every pc on my database?

If you need any further information just ask, thank you!

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (220 points)

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