For many clients perhaps you could consider to reinstall the agent, using a script, e.g:
script name: i.cmd:
for %%i in (%1) do psexec -r bp \\%%i -s \\server\installer\install-agent-ocs.cmd
script install-agent-ocs.cmd:
\\server\installer\ocsagent-24.exe /nosplash /s /server=
http://my-ocs.server/ocsinventory /now /debug
To install in one computer, execute from cmd:
i computer1
By the way, I use psexec -r bp to avoid that my antivirus to block psexec.
To start/stop the ocs service remotely in only one computer, I do that using the windows mmc console, services, from an admin windows session. From cmd: net stop "ocs inventory service".