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Release 2.12.3 available

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OCS Server installed on windows server 2016

Dear, we used the OCS inventory (version 2.0.5) with xampp (version 2.5) and GLPI (version 0.83.4) on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server. The institution will be migrating to Windows Server 2016. In this way we request information if version 2.0.5 is compatible. How does it handle a migration we will have to reinstall customers on workstations? And will glpi need to migrate as well?

We take the opportunity to consult: Is OCS server more recommended to be installed on A Linux server? If so, what is the most recommended version?

Thank you.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
hy, you don't need to migrate the client agents - but new servers will work only on linux!!

I would recommend that you first install server 2.1.2


The you import the mysql dump from the windows version.

Afterwards you should upgrade to 2.6 with all the Major releases 2.2, 2.3 etc.

Server 2.1.2 looks like 2.0.5 , but with version 2.2 you get a new theme.

keep in mind that some custom fields are not migrated if you step up to 2.3 - but in the latest 2.6 version this should be solved.

It is a lot of work i know - but if you go directly to 2.6 perhaps some database changes aren't done and you end up in a not working Server.

GLPI should also be upgraded - but you will have a lot of work - because every upgrade step has its own problems (php error, password errors etc.)

First of all get the OCS Server 2.1.2 running on Linux with the old database

Kind regards sokatra
by (25.2k points)
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