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alert when new software is installed in computer


thats my question, i have several machines and i want to know when new software is installed in the computer, i dont care if the software is installed by the user or administrator.

For example, today the computer/machine has 10 software installed, and in the next cycle ocs counts 11 softwares, send an alert. And if ocs detects less than 10 software installed, alert too.

is this possible?

Thanks in advance
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yes it is possible.

I havent tried it - but perhaps it is enough for you.


What you also can do is the following.

Create a mysql cmd query and send an E-mail

SELECT hardware.name,hardware.lastcome,hardware_id, COUNT(softwares.name) FROM softwares join hardware on softwares.hardware_id = hardware.id GROUP BY hardware_id order by COUNT(softwares.name)

mysql -u .. -p.. -N <<<"your query\G" | mail -s 'subject' *OCS-Inventory Software counts*


It isn't exactly what you need, but with a litte bit scripting it should be possible to adapt the "templates"

Kind regards
by (23.9k points)
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