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Upgrade from ocs 2.0.5 to 2.7


I need to upgrade my ocs server. It's a quit old installation (2.0.5) so the question is, what is the recommended upgrade path to go to the latest version ?

The second question is, is it mandatory to upgrade the clients ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (350 points)

5 Answers

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Best answer
hy, it is recommended to go through all major version because of mysql database schema changes.

2.05 server to 2.1.2 >> 2.2 >> 2.3.1 and so forth

Any old client will work with the newest version of ocs-inventory. some adavanced features are not supported by old clients (for examples schedules)

Kind regards

by (24.8k points)
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0 votes
have you managed to find older release of ocs reports?
I'm looking for version 2.1.2 - my gui_ver is 6008 (ver 2.05) so i need files/update/ from 6008 until now :)
by (200 points)
+1 vote
2.0.5 is quite very old.

On Launchpad.net, you can find 2.1.2 version, then, starting from 2.2, you can find releases from Github.

Starting from 2.2, the upgrade of database schema use sql scripts from file/updates : the upgrade.php execute que 7???.sql then update GUI_VERSION with 7???. So I strongly RECOMMAND procedure :

- stop Apache

- install OCS Inventory OcsReports

- execute sql scripts + update GUI_VERSION from current +1 up to last number of version you choose

- start Apache

(It's strange to install a new version and doing database upgrade later with web interface : the agent don't wait and could receive bad response from /ocsinventory service ...)

Back to your problem, there is no secure script to upgrade from '6008' (2.0.5) to '7006' (2.1.2). I suggest you create an instance with blank database for 2.1.2 and compare database schema and create you own sql script with create new tables and alter new columns + insert into config : quite difficult but I dit it.

The 2.2 version, then, can upgrade directly from 2.1.2 (7006 -> 7007+7008+7009).

(I dit it : 2.0.5 -> 2.4.1 and then -> 2.8.1, with a quite big database ~14000 rows in hardware and ~8 M of rows in software : be carefull with very long 7039.sql with this large table software !)
by (20.1k points)
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by (200 points)
+1 vote
by (20.1k points)
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