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ocsinventory reports slow with a sadmin account


I just installed an ocs inventory server on centos 7 using the repository http://rpm.ocsinventory-ng.org/enterprise/7/

The inventories are only done with ocsinventory-injector

The ocsinventory-reports GUI is very slow when using an account with sadmin type but very fast when using an account with admin type.

There are also some bugs on the home page, the numbers in "my Dashboard" are all zeroes but I know that I have 1933 line in the hardware table.

Any information to solve those 2 problems ?



in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (350 points)
edited by

2 Answers

0 votes

Hi. Can you solve the slow problem?

by (180 points)
+1 vote

I find the solution !

It's a bug with the option "See warning messages on the GUI".

Steps :

- Remember to create a new user and a new profile (you can duplicate the sadmin profile in sadmin2)

For security, do not modify the default sadmin profile!!!!

- Then modify the sadmin2 profile and uncheck the "See warning messages on the GUI" option.

- Then assign your user to the sadmin2 profile.

Enjoy ;)
by (200 points)
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