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Release 2.12.3 available

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Agent Windows 2.7, VCRUNTIME140_1.dll not found


OCS Inventory Agent Windows released today (2020-06-08).

I Installed OCS Inventory Agent Windows on a new Windows 10 1903 64 bits and on a new Windows 10 2004 64 bits.

I used the default values and clicked Next >, Accept >, Next >, Next >, Next >, Next >, Install >, ...

After the end of installation, there is a message about OcsSystray.exe (I tried to translate from French language): The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140_1.dll was not found...

And OCS Inventory Service didn't appear in Windows Services (services.msc).

I tried with the previous version and I did the same tests, this problem didn't appear.

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (240 points)
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4 Answers

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A screenshot of the message about OcsSystray.exe (in French language) after the end of installation of OCS Inventory Agent Windows


by (240 points)
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A new installer of OCS Inventory Agent Windows released today (2020-06-09).

It kept the the same version number

I tried it, and after the end of installation, there was no message about OcsSystray.exe.

The new installer of OCS Inventory Agent Windows worked.

by (240 points)
0 votes

downloaded the x86 version today (11-June-2020), but i have the same error on windows 7

VCRUNTIME140_1.dll not found
btw .. the installer does not uninstall old agent 2.0.5 .
Afterwards i have 2 entrys in add/remove software .. but if i wan't to remove 2.0.5 .. it tells me that i remove now version 2.7.0
so i recommend to uninstall old version before installing this new one.

by (25.2k points)
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All missing dll has been fixed. I updated the both versions.

Best regards,

Charlene Auger
by (180 points)
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