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Release 2.12.3 available

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CentoS 8 end of life is near?

Hy, for anybody interested .. it looks like CentOS 8 reaches end of life



So i don't want to install ocs-inventory on centOS anymore.

Kind regards

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (25k points)

2 Answers

0 votes
The Centos Project it's changing it focus. It will became the upstream of the next version of RHEL.

Many people are concerned about this, there're are projects trying to fill this void. The Rocky Linux project aims to be "bug by bug" compatible with RHEL 8.

My advice: stay tuned, this is still evolving.
by (760 points)
0 votes
Other than that It will be nice to have OCS packages for most relevant distros (RHEL/Centos, Ubuntu, OpenSuSE/SLES ...) from the developers.
by (760 points)
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