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Release 2.12.3 available

The official documentation can be found on https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org. Read it before asking your question.

Hardware Requirements


I'm looking into standing up a Linux test version of OCS inventory so we can compare OCS against other similar software. From what I have read on the online docs, A single linux server can monitor 10,000 nodes before creating separate DB, and Inventory servers is recommended. However, it does not list recommend ram, cpu, disk sizes for a 10,000 node setup. I plan to setup OCS in a VMware environment so adding cpu or ram should be easy if not enough is given. Hard disk on the other hand would take a little more effort to re-size partitions if the OS does not recognize it automatically. As of now, I'm thinking about giving 2VCPU, 4GB ram, 200GB of disk. Does this sound sufficient to keep data for 10,000 nodes for 1-2 months? 

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (270 points)

1 Answer

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hy, it not only depends the number of clients .. it also depends on the agent contact frequency
Configuration > Server > PROLOG_FREQ
By default, the inventory frequency is 24 hours.

I think 2VCPU, 4GB ram, 200GB might be enough ... we just have much less clients.

quote - For example, our production server manages more than 70 000 clients https://wiki.ocsinventory-ng.org/09.Extras/Management-server-tuning/

i recommend .. just try it .. and use dns names in the client .. not ip adresses ..so you can change the server more easily
by (25k points)
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