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OCS Server and Ocs Reports version for MySQL v8


I want to know the versions of OCS Inv. Server and OCS Inv. Reports, it is compatible with MySQL v8.

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (350 points)

3 Answers

0 votes


Yes, my installation works well with MySQL v8, just becarefull with authentification configuration in MySQL v8. In my case with Debian, i ve follow this tutorial, sorry in french...i'm french user ^^



by (5.7k points)
0 votes
First thanks for your reply!

My question is about what version of OCS reports and server are compatible with Mysql v8
by (350 points)
0 votes
sorry, i don't known for all version, in my case OCS V2.8.1 + MySQL v8 (server upgraded with all intermediate version from OCS v 2.1 under Windows only for upgrade BDD, finaly only use v2.8.1 in production)
by (5.7k points)
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