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Package deployment ERR_EXECUTE_TOO_MANY_TRY


I have an error message for a package deployment that I can't solve : ERR_EXECUTE_TOO_MANY_TRY

It's a 3GB package divided into 50 fragments of 63MB which I wanted to copy (not execute)
When I look at the logs, I can see that the 50 fragments have been downloaded

Has everyone encountered this issue ?


in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (470 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes

i haven't installed such large packages .packages over 300 MB will be installed via smb share.

I only deploy a script which copys large file to local temp .. an the executes the large installation file.

I recommend to try not to fragment the package if possible .. (but i don't know)

But you can try is to just package a generic script which does nothing real to install something

Just executes a simple bacth script which just executes a dir command or something like that.

You should package the batch script together with a large file (iso image for example)

If that big package is downloaded and executed with a sucess .. than the size isn't a problem. But perhaps the execution time of your script.

You can create a logfile form your script to drive c  to monitor what has happened


msiexec /i "installer.msi" /l*v "c:\log.log"

File.CMD > c:\log.txt 2>&1

where file.cmd is your batch script

Kind regards


by (24.7k points)
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Well, it's not an execute package but only a copy
And I don't want to create a script that copy from smb share, it will use to many bandwith 

And it's not a success, see the message : ERR_EXECUTE_TOO_MANY_TRY

by (470 points)
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