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Release 2.12.3 available

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Windows agent local uncompressed file

I want to install OCS Inventory Windows agent, with only local option as due to firewall rules , it cannot connect to OCS Server. How can i make the Agent to write locally in uncompressed file. So that i can then read the XML file and send it to another server .
Please help how can I achieve this

in OCS Inventory NG agent for Windows by (240 points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Can you please describe what you want in other words?

Kind regards
by (25.2k points)
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0 votes

My question is , I want to run agent to generate file locally in XML format. how can i do that. Whenever i run the agent with /local , it always generated .ocs file and i’m unable to read it. How can i get the file in XML format
by (240 points)
0 votes

hy . try this command

OCSInventory.exe /XML="C:\report" /local="c:\report"

you must have the ocsinventory.exe in the path where you are in cmd
You can also just install the agent as normal .. and run the command. in an old version i just copied the directory  and it works portable.
kind regards

by (25.2k points)
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0 votes
Thanks for that help, it works fine.

Can you please give more info on the portable thing
by (240 points)
0 votes
hy, i just copied the whole ocs-inventory program folder to a bootable Windows PE ISO .. so i can also make an inventory for system where i can't install the agent ...

It is clear that i will only get the operating system from the bootable ISo.. but i can get Bios, CPU, MAC Adresses of the Network card and so forth.

Then i just start

OCSInventory.exe /XML="C:\report" /local="c:\report"

where i adapt the path of course
by (25.2k points)
0 votes
Have you tried an firewall rule to allow Agent contacting to a server? You may also install some VPN connection on client (I use a Community version of OPENVPN it's quite secure and it's quite easy to configure)
by (2.9k points)
0 votes
Thanks . Using /XML worked fine for mw...
by (240 points)
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