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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to edit deployment packages in 2.9.1

I just upgraded to ocsreports 2.9.1, an now I see no way to edit existing deployment packages. Is this a bug or by intention?
in Administrative console by (200 points)

5 Answers

0 votes

This is not a bug. The functionality has been suppressed.

Best regards

by (90.5k points)
0 votes
When this is intended,it would be very useful to have at least a read-only view on the configuration, as we regularly follow a copy-paste-approach whenever an update for an already deployed software must be configured.
by (200 points)
0 votes
Open an issue as feature for that.
by (90.5k points)
0 votes

We update OCS inventory to 2.9.1 and we cant edit existing packages and this fonction is very important for us because we dont have backup the command line of every packages and it so difficult to find the correct command line........

it's a shame anyway

by (660 points)
0 votes
@WillyG as a workaround, you can download the package and peek into the "info" file. There you will find the command line string.
by (200 points)
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