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Inventory OnClick applications in user profiles

How is it possible to inventory "OnClick" applications in the user profile?
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (300 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
what exactly do you mean with "onclick" applcations ? if you mean apllciations which are installed in the userprofile you can get such software only with a script which loops through all user folders and saves the report to an smb share as a text logfile.

This script can be adapted to do this


But perhaps there is already a plugin which does something similar

this blog wrote something about it


Kind regards

by (25.1k points)
edited by
0 votes
In my opion it is a must have to identify user profile installed software .. some other deployment solutions can inventory that software

Kind regards
by (25.1k points)
0 votes
yes you are absolutely right. Ocs-inventory should definitely provide the possibility to capture and distribute user profile software.

someone should write a feature request here

by (25.1k points)
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