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SNMP Administrative DATA

Hello All,

I'm trying to add administrative data to SNMP retrieved devices (Inventory->SNMP).

I've configured a new tab for these SNMP data but the tab is not displayed anywhere and if i link SNMP Administrative data fields to the tab, the tab is not displayed in the Tab Column (Manage->Administrative Data->Data available->SNMP).

I've noticed on the database side that the new tab is created (in the ocsweb.config table) as TAB_ACCOUNTTAG_X but don't the SNMP Tabs should be created as TAB_ACCOUNTSNMP_X ?

I've manually changed the name field value to TAB_ACCOUNTSNMP_2 and the new created snmp tab is then displayed in the Tab column.

But where are the SNMP Administrative data displayed ??
FYI I'm using OCS Server version 2.9.1.

Thanks in advance.
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (800 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

my company has developed more than 60 exclusive plugins for OCS (predictive maintenance, supervision, helpdesk & IT support, status summary, multiple SNMP device type, geolocation of Windows machines, etc.)

If you want more information, please contact me privately.

Best regards, Stephane
by (32.6k points)
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