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Error "Got timeout reading communication packets"

Hello OCS community,

we are using OCS Inventory NG  in our company.

Multiple times a day I can experience the following error message in the MySQL Server 5.7 error logs with this pattern:

2021-06-27T23:56:22.342179Z 910027 [Note] Aborted connection 910027 to db: '<ocs_db>' user: '<MySQL_user_forr_ocs>' host: '<our_ocs_server>' (Got timeout reading communication packets)

This only happens in reference with the MySQL database used for OCS. There is no issue with other MySQL databases within the same server.

As to Oracle the reason for this kind of error might likely be related to that OCS is not closing down the database connections properly. The sessions remain open and after the specified timeouts passed ("interactive_timeout" and "wait_timeout) the session are closed by MySQL. This triggers the output in the error logfile.

(login needed)

Could this be related to OCS directly ? Application issue ?
Any recommendations ?
Is anyone experiencing this as well ?

I do not know have much knowledge in OCS, please let me know, if additonal information is missing.

Many Thanks

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (120 points)

1 Answer

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by (90.4k points)
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