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Release 2.12.3 available

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How to select computers are visible to a user

I am trying to make users that can only access computers with a given tag


Apparently it is possible according to:


under heading

Management of the profile restriction

"Restrictions on computers : Define if the visibility of computers is restricted only to specific TAG(s) assigned to users. When this restriction is set, you have to specify, for each user you want to restrict her accesses, the set of TAGs defining which computers you allow her to see. You can use ? or * to match multiple TAGs at once. If you don't specify any TAG, the user will be allowed to see all computers."


But I cannot seem to find where to define the TAGs that the users can access. Neither the profile or user information page seem to have such?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (170 points)

4 Answers

+1 vote
When you create an User, you need to chose the Profil assigned to the User : sadmin, admin, ladmin, (other).

After the creation of the User, on the list, you have a column called Tag : when you click on the link, you can enter the tag you associate to the User.

From the Profil ladmin, you have lot of things in read mode but the User of this Profil could delete hardware ... May be the better is to create a Profil similar to ladmin and modify it as needed ?
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
Thank you, somehow I totally missed the tag column. Maybe the documentation could be updated to point out that it is set there.
by (170 points)
0 votes

In the wiki link you give, you can read (Management of the profile restriction) :

  • Restrictions on computers : Define if the visibility of computers is restricted only to specific TAG(s) assigned to users. When this restriction is set, you have to specify, for each user you want to restrict her accesses, the set of TAGs defining which computers you allow her to see. You can use ? or * to match multiple TAGs at once. If you don't specify any TAG, the user will be allowed to see all computers.

Depend of Restriction on Computers = YES or NO in the profile of the user, the effect of set TAG(s) allowed to user will apply or not.

It could be better to indicate

- first : for users, it's possible to affect TAGs of computers allowed (with the link user cross Tag)

- second : in profile, with Restriction on Computers = Yes, this setting will apply

by (20.2k points)
0 votes

I can't add a user with a tag only, whan i login i get:

Unknown column 'a.TAG' in 'where clause'

Using localadmin profile.

by (140 points)
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