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retrieve merged computer

Server version: 2.9 - debian 11 - mariadb

Agent, 2.9 (on windows)

I have some test vm with the same virtual mac (not the one actually used for connections); so OCS show me this computer as "duplicates per Mac address".

A workmate, wrongly merged this few machines, question:

1 - is there a log which show me the name of the merged computer?

2 - is there a way to return to go back before the merging operation?


(no info in osc-inventory/activity.log)
in Administrative console by (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Found the solution.

It seems there is no log for merged computer, but i was able to retrieve the duplicate mac address, so i found the device where all information where merged. Deleting that pc, the others reappeared again (after the scheduled ocs's scan, of course)

by (200 points)
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