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Is there a way to log all the OCS server activity?

Hello everyone, 

i didn't find any answer about that, sorry if this subject has already been answered.

I'm OCS admin, currently using to OCS Inventory instances (2.8 and 2.9.1) and i would like to log all the activity made by the other users of the platform.

We will be about 60 person able to work on the server, so it's required to have an history of the stuff done on the server.. so is there any way to keep a track of the activity of this team?

Is there any way to log the input/modification/activity/setting  made by the OCS users on the OCS server?

Thank you for your advise.

Best Regards, 


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
It's already included in OCS for a long time ...

In Config > Config > Interface > LOG_GUI (and LOG_DIR) and Information > Log visualization (for 2.4).

My advice is work a bit on user profiles, and maybe create your own limited profiles : it's quite dangerous when everybody is 'sadmin' and everybody delete hardwares, groups, ... ! It's an organizational task to be done early on ...

(Only one 'sadmin' to manage users and not to work, technician as 'read only', 'administrator' without ability to manager users, ...)
by (20.2k points)
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