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Ipdiscover not selected automaticly


I installed OCS to manage my parc (Ubuntu 20.04, OCS Server 2.9, agent ocs 2.9.0).

I noticed that Ipdiscover computer are no selected automaticaly in subnet (02 in each subnet).

I had to force manualy the ipdicover machines.

I had more than 100 sunbet and.

Any idea how to force ipdiscover machines selection automaticly ?

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (560 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote

In the menu :    Inventaire =>IpDiscover I have:

- Only 03 Networks Discovered rather than 100 Networks (I still have 97 Networks not yet discoverd). I deployed agent on all Networks.

- For this 03 Networks, the IpDiscover colun is ampty (the IpDiscover agent not automaticly selected)

Any idea how to solve this problème

by (560 points)
+1 vote

I still have the same problème.

Only 03 subnet are discoverd rahter than 100.

For thes 03 subnet, the "IpDiscover" Comum is ampty.

I have installed the 2.9.2 ocs agent, but the probleme stil the same.

Any idea how to solve this problème ?

by (560 points)
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