I have 2 computers:
PHP version: 7.4.3
Web Server: Apache/2.4.41
Database Server: Ubuntu 20.04 version 10.3.32-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
OCSReports: 2.9.1
PHP version: 7.4.21
Web Server: Apache/2.4.48
Database Server: Debian 11 version 10.5.11-MariaDB-1
OCSReports: 2.9.1
Computer1 creates inventory files with ocs extension but XML formatted. I want to import these OCS-files onto computer2. Most OCS-files imported good but some others say they imported succesfully but are not imported at all with GLPI 9.5.6 - Fusioninventory 9.5+3.0. Searched on serialnumber but can't locate them.
How can I solve this?
Manually importing with fusioninventory-injector gives with all files:
fusioninventory-injector -v -f /home/xxx/Downloads/PE5350-13806-2021-12-21-14-00-11.ocs -u http://myip/glpi/fusioninventory/
Loading /home/xxx/Downloads/PE5350-13806-2021-12-21-14-00-11.ocs...OK
But the one listed here isn't imported ...