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Software not filling up in 'My Dashboard' [closed]


I have OCS 2.9.1 running, recently discovered and installed. When I was troubleshooting a different issue, I noticed that my software category is left empty.

Is there something I need to add manually or why is this not filling itself up with data?

I created a 'default category' along with some others, but that doesn't seem to change anything.

closed with the note: answered
in Administrative console by (220 points)
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1 Answer

0 votes
Software category wasn't filling up since I wasn't ruinning the cronjob that was provided in the directory OCSInventory-Server/ocsreports/crontab/

You have to manually add those to the crontab to be executed when you want it.

cron_all_software.php <= this is the one responsible for the filling up of the software tab.

I wish this was more clearly listed somewhere.

by (220 points)
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