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Release 2.12.3 available

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How Limit data sent by the ocs agent for linux

Hello everyone, could you tell me how to make the data of "users" and "groups" of the s.o. they are not sent from the agent. Or how to make such data not visible on the ocs server website. I have tried to create a user profile but I can't. Thank you very much to all !!
in OCS Inventory NG agent for Unix by (280 points)

7 Answers

0 votes
Hello everyone, could you tell me how to make the data of "users" and "groups" of the s.o. they are not sent from the agent. Or how to make such data not visible on the ocs server website. I have tried to create a user profile but I can't. Thank you very much to all !!
by (280 points)
0 votes
hy, i don't think you can suppress infos sent by agent until you manipulate the agent itself

(which isn't intended for)

Kind regards

by (25k points)
0 votes
Thanks Sokatra, I thought it could be done. There are other agents such as "fusion" that allow you to pass the parameter e.g. no-category = printer,process,user,license,local_group,local_use which makes the information of those categories NOT be sent and I thought that this agent would have something similar. Would you know if there are ways so that a user cannot see that information when they enter the web? Thank you so much !!
by (280 points)
0 votes

hy, i only know about the unofficial linux agent (which works well .. bit does not inventory all data)


This agent has for example the parameter

--nosoftware                   Do not retrieve installed software

In official OCS-Inventory server you can edit profiles
look at 

Access rights to differents pages of a profile

I haven't used it a lot .. you can disable many things for any profile
But yes you are right .. it would be nice if it is possible that the agent can be configured to not send all data ... it should be configurable from server
Kind regards
by (25k points)
0 votes
Thank you so much.

I have tried to configure that by user profiles but I could NOT.

I am very interested in using the official agent, which seems more reliable to me.

Yes it is true it could have e.g. a parameter to cancel the sending of a path of the XML file that is generated.

Anyway, thanks for everything and if I see something I will communicate it through this forum.  Greetings.
by (280 points)
0 votes
perhaps you can try the fusion agent


Is FusionInventory agent compatible with OCS Inventory NG Server?

Yes, your server will need to be configured to accept the Fusioninventory UserAgent in the ocsinventory-server.conf

see here

by (25k points)
0 votes
Yes, in the end I have opted for the fusion agent. At the moment it seems to be working correctly. Thank you so much !!
by (280 points)
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