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Release 2.12.3 available

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Superadmin navigation is very slow

When I use OCS Inventory 2.90 with the admin account, every action is super slow.
same, slow if I create another user (than admin) as superadmin.
Under a Lambda user in admin, the times are correct.
An idea of the problem ?

Thank you
in Administrative console by (160 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi. Can you solve this problem?
by (180 points)
0 votes


I find the solution !

It's a bug with the option "See warning messages on the GUI".

Steps :

- Remember to create a new user and a new profile (you can duplicate the sadmin profile in sadmin2)

For security, do not modify the default sadmin profile!!!!

- Then modify the sadmin2 profile and uncheck the "See warning messages on the GUI" option.

- Then assign your user to the sadmin2 profile.

Enjoy ;)

by (200 points)
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