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Progress bar on OCS interface?

I curently work on the last version OCS Server 2.9.2 and i would like to know if there is any way to track the deployement through a progress bar (maybe a plugin?). Any guess about how to implement it?
Maybe it's a feature that is plan to be implemented by the editor in a next version?

Thank you for your answer or advice.

Best regard
in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (180 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
You have already some informations :

- in Deployement > Activate, for each package you have 3 counts : Notified, Success, Error

- when you click on 'Statistics', in a new tab you'll get a circular graphics with all cases : Success, Waiting notification, All the errors, Notified, all with % and a small table with total

I understand, it's not a bar, but you can see all cases and %.

Each case has a number which give the list of materials in the case : for 'All the errors', you could, simply, select all and Deploy again for retry.

Consider, the deployement as an operation light, simple, and efficient and depend of agents :

- light : on server, you create a package, then activate it, then affect the package to materials. The download is slow if package is fragmented (4M) with 1 minute between fragments.

- simple and efficient : it's ok for active materials, but for computers running few days a week, you can wait ...

- depend on agent : when the agent have a contact with server, it receives timestamp of packages for it, download it, executes it and send result.
by (20.2k points)
0 votes
what you also can do is to create installation logfiles and write them directly to a network share.

This isn't a progress bar, but you can see what is going on.

Kind regards

by (25.1k points)
0 votes
The OCS deployement is complete : you have all informations needed

- all materials with package affected = 'total'

- materials with package successsfully installed = 'Success'

- materials installing the package = 'Notified'

- materials without communications with server = 'Waiting notification'

- materials with errors in deployement = 'Errors' : you can have the kind of error

For 'Errors', you could retry (if different of 'already installed').

The main problem is materials 'Waiting notification' : is the material is stopped ? is the material is running but agent didn't run ? For 'Notified', you need to investigate why some materials stay in this state : sometimes the result goes to server soon after execution, sometimes the result goes to server at the new contact agent - server.

IMHO a little change for OCS server is, in Deployement > Activation,

- the good columns are 'Waiting notification', 'Success', 'Errors', 'Notified' and maybe 'Total'

- (maybe 'Total' because 'Total' is the sum of 4 others columns)

- maybe each column with format 'number (% of total)' (without 'Total (100%)')

- maybe best order 'Waiting', 'Notified', 'Success', 'Errors' because this is the chrono order
by (20.2k points)
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