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Release 2.11.1 available

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Which database should use on the OCS server


Please tell me which database should I use on the OCS server?

Vendor documentation often talks about ocsweb, but for example it talks about ocsbase ("mysql -f -hlocalhost -uroot -p DBNAME < ocsbase.sql >log.log"). 

Also, the name ocsbase is directly spelled out in the service configuration: "define("DB_NAME", "ocsbase");"

Which database should I use? Ocsweb or ocsbase?

Thank you in advance!

in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (170 points)

3 Answers

+1 vote
You could choose the name of Database, the name of User, AS YOU WANT.

You need to create Database and User BEFORE launching install.php, and you will supply your choice when asked for Database identification (informations saved in 'dbconfig.inc.php' for ocsreports). Also you need to set Database indentification in Apache conf file 'z-ocsinventory-server.conf' (for ocsinventory).

For example, you can name Database as 'ocsweb', User as 'ocsuser' (not 'ocs'), and also do 'flush privileges'.

So, except User name 'ocs', the doc is complete and correct.

(If you name the User 'ocs', you will get a message on web interface ...)

IMHO I suggest to learn some basics of MySQL/MariaDB administration : creation of databases, creation of users, access rights on databases for users, save and restoration of databases, some hints of MySQL/MariaDB configuration (mysql_secure_installation, bind, ...)
by (19.6k points)
edited by
0 votes

Hello, jacquesh!

Thanks fo your answer!

Please tell me why I shouldn't use the User name "ocs", but should "ocsuser"?

by (170 points)
0 votes
Please read again : I give allready reply.

If you choose 'ocs', you will need

- add a new user (in MaraiDB),

- give access rights to new user (to database),

- apply this change,

- change identification in OCS (2 files to change).

A good task : it's simple in the idea, but spend some time ...
by (19.6k points)
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