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Release 2.11.1 available

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timezone in a docker installation


I have installed ocs inventory 2.9.2 using Docker (compose version)

Everything works except for timezone.

I have set an extra env varable in docker-compose.yml

      OCS_DB_SERVER: ocsinventory-db
      OCS_DB_USER: ..........
      OCS_DB_PASS: ..........
      OCS_DB_NAME: ocsweb
      # See documentation to set up SSL for MySQL
      TZ: Europe/Rome

But the time showed in last inventory is still UTC

The docker host has correct timezone (and time)

The thing that I do not understand is that in documentation is written that default timezone is Europe/Paris that is the same of Europe/Rome where I am so it should have been working also in default settings.

Thank you for any help.


in OCS Inventory NG server for Unix by (330 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer


I was having the same problem but have now managed to solve it. It turns out that the `TZ` variable needs to be set for both the `ocsapplication`and `ocsdb` container:


    TZ: UTC   

ocsdb :
    TZ: UTC


After changing `docker-compose.yml` for this, you will need to rebuild the images 


docker compose up --build


Good luck!

by (440 points)
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0 votes
The problem is still there anyone can answer please?


by (330 points)
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